Market Forecasting
BCMI Research believes that market cycles repeat, but never the same way. We stay current on all macroeconomic and sociopolitical issues of importance. We hold no biases and ascribe to no doctrine. Our only bias is not to lose money, and our clients share this pragmatic attitude.
It is well-known that Chris Damas was the first financial analyst to predict the coming glut of dried cannabis in Canada, as early as in 2017. Chris Damas has been correctly forecasting commodity markets for over 35 years. Damas began his financial career analyzing and investing in the so-called “vice” stocks – beverage alcohol and tobacco.
In 2019, BCMI Research was hired to raise funds for what is now the largest independent cannabis retailer in Canada. In 2019, Chris Damas forecasted at least 1,000 cannabis stores in Ontario would be required to satisfy demand, and as of October 22, 2021 the number of stores authorized to open reached 1,195.
Everyone at this table has said (crude) oil is going up. As a contrarian in my business, that means oil is going down
Chris Damas
Canadian Senate Committee on Energy, Environment and Natural Resources June 26, 2008